Hi followers! This week we are going to start our tasks with an activity which consists on illustrating three words that our teacher had given us. We could illustrate the words either by videos, photos or drawings without including the word in the image.
We drew three pictures according to the meaning of the words which had
been given to us. After that, we exchanged our drawings with the other groups
of the class and then each group had to guess what word had been illustrated.
Our group had to illustrate the following words:
Our group had to illustrate the following words:
Over all, we found this activity easy to follow and fun, but we had some
problems in looking for the meaning of the word “fixantly”. As we didn’t know
the exact meaning of this word, we had to work out what it is in order to
illustrate it. Besides, some other groups found problems in telling what the drawing
of “Indignantly” referred to and thought that it was “Belligerent”.
In our opinion, it’s easier guessing the word from a picture found in the Internet than a drawing made by someone, as each person can draw in different ways and a picture will always be more accurate.
A message in the illustration, such as a quote, may help us to clarify the meaning of the words. For example, as we have done in the drawing of “Indignantly”, we can write quotes to make its understanding easier and give our partners a hint. Furthermore, we also used arrows in the drawing of “Learning” in order to indicate that we referred to the students.
Furthermore, we can say that some people may have had some difficulties in guessing the words as some of them can have a confusing meaning. Besides, we might not have represented the words in the best way.
To finish with, this activity could be used with children as it will help them in enhancing the identification of symbols and illustrations with concrete concepts, something they will have to use in their daily life. For instance, whenever they go to the street they will have to identify traffic signs with their meanings, as well as many other types of signs such as in parks or sports-centers.
In our opinion, it’s easier guessing the word from a picture found in the Internet than a drawing made by someone, as each person can draw in different ways and a picture will always be more accurate.
A message in the illustration, such as a quote, may help us to clarify the meaning of the words. For example, as we have done in the drawing of “Indignantly”, we can write quotes to make its understanding easier and give our partners a hint. Furthermore, we also used arrows in the drawing of “Learning” in order to indicate that we referred to the students.
Furthermore, we can say that some people may have had some difficulties in guessing the words as some of them can have a confusing meaning. Besides, we might not have represented the words in the best way.
To finish with, this activity could be used with children as it will help them in enhancing the identification of symbols and illustrations with concrete concepts, something they will have to use in their daily life. For instance, whenever they go to the street they will have to identify traffic signs with their meanings, as well as many other types of signs such as in parks or sports-centers.