martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

The facilitator is here, let's organise!!!

Hi bloggers! I'm Anthea, and this week I have been the facilitator of the group. As you already know from last weeks, the facilitator has to organise and divide the work, so that every member of the group knows what she must do.

The roles this week have been the following:

Rebeca Cascales Ribera – CURATOR/FARMER
anthea clemente sharp - FACILITATOR
marina crevillén fernández - ANALYST
silvia garcía martínez - TRANSLATOR
alba garcía subiela - JOURNALIST
maría garcía zamora - STAR

Thes week, the activity has been a kind of summary of the four previous activities in a video of one minute and a half by using one of the programmes proposed by Linda: Powtoons or Moovly. It has been up to us.

We put in common the main ideas of each task for having the video as complete as possible. Then, we thought about the organisation of the video, how we were going to structure it, which aspects we were going to mention... and, even, I divide the group into two groups, so that we could work better. We though the best idea was to include every task in the related part of the first task, in a way that it wasn't just telling what each task was about.

Finally, on Thursday, we showed the video to Linda to know what we could improve, add or remove.

To conclude, I would like to congratulate the members' group for working so hard. So girls, keep up the good work!

Extra, Extra! The journalist has just arrived to town! Don't miss a second of it!

Hi bloggers! I'm Alba García and this week I've been the journalist! My job this week is to document how our week doing the task has been and also recommend a blog from the class and an educational blog, so here you have it!

This week we had to make an animated video in which we would summarize what we have learned so far in the course School Organization and Educational Resources. At first we were a bit worried as we had never done a video of those characteristics, but we decided to take it as a new challenge and became very excited about it. There is always a first time for everything, so we had to achieve our best and demonstrate to ourselves that we could do anything, even if we had never done it before.

On Monday in class our teacher, Linda, told us two Web 2.0 tools in which we could do the videos. She said that one of them was a bit more challenging than the other, so we decided to face the complete challenge and make it a case of all or nothing. Once we were facing something completely new, why not try to push ourselves as far as possible and try to make our best? In life you shouldn't be content with doing what requires the less effort. On the contrary, you must always try new things which will help you show everyone, but mainly yourself, that you are capable of doing new things and doing them great!

At the beginning of the week, once we knew what the new task would be like, Anthea Clemente (the facilitator) told us to make each one of us an outline with what we considered we had learned not only with the tasks, but with the subject in general. We then met on Tuesday and did a brainstorm on the blackboard with all our ideas and suggestions for the video and, once everything was clear, we went ahead with the video.

At first it took as a while to know how Moovly, the web 2.0 tool we used, worked and to see all the options it offered us, but we soon understood it. We decided together how we would structure the video and the colours we would use for the different backgrounds. As we decided to divide the video in three sections which we would then link with the TPACK model, we decided to use the same colour in the section's background as in its corresponding circle of the TPACK model, as you can see in the video you can find in the Star's post. We thought that in that way it would be more visual and the contents in each of the sections would be linked more easily with the TPACK model.

We distributed the work in a way that we all were working. While some of us were doing the video, others looked for the photos we wanted to include and others searched for the song. Probably, the worse aspect of looking for the song and photos was that they had to have Creative Commons License, which was particularly difficult for the song as we couldn't find one we liked for the video. Because of that, it took us a long time to find one. We first looked for the song in Jamendo, a website were you can find music free of CopyRight, but as we couldn't find one that really convinced us we thought of SoundCloud, a website where people from all around the world upload their own songs and remixes of known songs. However, we didn't know if SoundCloud's music had Creative Commons License, so we got in the official website of Creative Commons and found a list of some places where we could find music with CCL and....... SoundCloud was in that list!!!! Having our problem solved, we decided to use a remix of Sublime's amazing "What I Got".

As the video wasn't finished yet, we finished it along the week and met on Sunday to finish details such as including voices in the video, the song, doing the "to conclude"  part of the video and including the credits. We tried to do the intro of the video singing what we had written in "Hey Brother"'s rythm, and after recording ourselves thousands of times until it didn't sound too loud or too bad, we finally got some decent recordings of what we wanted to include. BUT when we attatched the audios to the video we sadly realized that it was too slow for the pace of the video and we had to forget about that as it didn't match the images. Nevertheless, we were VERY happy to use the remix of "What I Got" as it is quite a cheerful song that engages you from the first second it is played. Besides, it looked perfect with out little boy from the video!

Then the day of the contest came, and after watching all the groups' videos (which I had to say were incredibly good in general under our point of view) each group had to vote the others as in Eurovision. Watching the facilitators of each group, who were the spokespeople, telling the group's votes as if they really were in Eurovision was quite fun and also something we had never thought of doing!

Moving on to the second part of my role, I would like to recommend you Seven UP!'s blog. I really like the distribution and contents of the blog. Stitch's GIF is a fun way to welcome visitors which instantly puts you in a good mood. Apart from being a good looking blog, it is perfectly structured in a way that it is very easy to find the post which you are looking for, either searching for it by task, role or topic. As for their posts, they document very well what they do and present it in an attractive way that engages the reader. Keep up the good work guys!

To finish with, I would like to recommend you Educalandia, an educational website where parents and teachers can find various resources and children can find educational games and interactive pages to practice what they have learned at school. Furthermore, it is very well structured as at the top it shows a menu where you can go to the Home, a page destinated for students, a Blog, a page on Resources and another one containing educational games. Besides, you can also search for what you want by topic or even by educational level, something which can solve many problems at the same time as it quickens research at the website. I hope you find my recommendation useful!

It's time to analyse the week!!!!

Hello my bloggers, first of all I have to tell you that this week have been a beautiful week since with this task my group and me have had a lot of fun.
First of all I would like to say that the funniest part of the activity was making a video. Since while we were doing it we were remember how the course started and how long time have passed until now. While we were remembering the different tasks that we did we remembered too the bad moments which my group and me have lived, since we had many problems at time to meet.
Apart from the feelings, we have learnt many things, like what is TPACK, how can we use images, videos, music, with a creative common license; how to use many different tools to do a comic, and others things, how to do a presentation in other programme which isn’t power point or prezi, and many things like that. If you can see more about it you can look for in the previous task and in the post of the analyst you can see each task developed deeper, since this task it has been a summarize of all thing that we have done until now.
Well, it’s time to talk about my colleges and me as a group. Firstly I have to say that we always respect to the other opinions, thinking, timetables, problems, and somethings like that. We don’t despise anything from the others, so I thing that is a good characteristic of us. On the other hand, I think that when we meet sometimes we lost time, it could be something normal, since after eight hours of class we don’t want to work six hours more, but how I said before we had serious problems at time to met, so when we met we have to benefit the more we can. So I maybe improving this aspect to the follows weeks, and maybe we work less hours and maybe we have more time to do other things.
This contents are related to other contents for example, that textbooks can’t say always the thruth, so we shouldn’t entrust always in the tools that we use to study, and something like that because they could be wrong. Secondly that we only can use photograph with creative common license in our works and studies. Thirdly, how we have to do an exposition, since we often do exposition in all the degree, and in a future like future teachers we are going to be in a long exposition in our class. And finally, TPACK is related to all our subjects since each one have at least one of the components of TPACK, such as technology, pedagogy, or content.
I think that related to this task there isn’t any connection of this content, apart from that politics and our class have been the same things, like a campaign period to win the public in which each group explain the reasons why the have to win the competition, and after that we have to vote each group and finally a the winner will win a food for each member of the group.

Strong Points of the summary's videos

This week we have seen a large variety of videos. Here you have our opinions about them.

Firstly, the BUSSY BEES has a very original and fun presentation. We love their song! And, above all, they have changed completely the dynamic of the video and we can see that they have worked a lot in it. In addition the child’s voice is very cute. We really have loved it!

Secondly the MEERKATS’ video is very direct and clear. In addition, in our opinion, it picks up the most important thing that we have learnt along this subject until now, so in this video we can find a really good summary.

In the third place the UMPALUMPAS has a really fun video, with clear ideas and a contagious music that increase your interest and attention in the video.

In the fourth place PLATYPUS do a really good and complete explanation. We value a lot the big difficulty of include the voice along all the video. We think that they have worked hard in order to correspond the voices to the video and it has worked.

Fifthly, the video of the SEVEN UP group has really clear and dynamic images. “A picture is worth a thousand words”. In addition we have loved the end! You are very cute!

Sixthly, the POWER PUFF TEACHERS have had an original idea for the “context” of the video. We think that the idea of the interview and to divide the video in the TPACK’s components in order to finish with it, it is wonderful, we have also use it this last one. In addition we have loved the music, it has a great rhythm!

In the seven place we find the ItsCHOOL’s video. It has an incredible music that we have really loved. In this video we can find dynamic animations and images too. Because of this, they have achieved a fun video with very clears ideas that we find fantastic.

Finally, but not less important, it is the group KEEP CALM AND KEEP ORGANIZED. In the first place we must emphasize the good publicity that that have used (we have kept the flag). We have loved that you have included the rest of the groups’ images too and we think that it has been a lovely 

What is it? Is it a plane? Is it a flying saucer? NO!! It is the star of Powerteachers!

Hi bloggers!! I'm María García and this week I have been the star of Powerteachers! This week, the role of the star was shorter than the other weeks. We did a video about what we have learnt in the last weeks of SOYER (School Organization and Educational Resources) in moovly (a web page where you can do videos with a lot of original animations). You can find a better definition of this word in the translator's post. 

We did like a competition where all the stars had to represent their video in front of the class with a short speech about why their video should win the competition. 

So, I have been the first to show our video and I said that my group should win because our video hasn't limited with the academic content that we have learned in the last weeks. We have included values in a personal way, for example, how work in group, how do an oral presentation or how use new tools. Moreover, I said that our video deserves win because we have used the organization of TPACK to develop the video and all the content that we have learned and we have had in all the tasks. We included photos of our activities for explaining all the knowledge that we have learnt in the last weeks and for it I think that it has been dynamic and original. 

I know that this week the star hasn't have a lot of work compared to the other tasks but stay in front of the class and speak isn't easy. I have been so nervous because I don't feel safe speaking in public and overall in English. I know that I have to improve this but I think this kind of activities help us to develop new skills and that it is so useful for our future as teachers and as persons. Although in the beginning you pass bad moments, this kind of experiences are good and I like doing this because maybe the next time I will be less nervous and more safe and it is a great achieve. 

Well, I have showed many photos of my debut as a star and you can watch our video here and know about our work and our knowledge about this subject. I hope you like it and that you visit our blog every week!

This is our video! Hope you like it :)

Do you need some definition? The TRANSLATOR is here!

Hi bloggers! I am Silvia García. We are here one week more and this time I am the translator of the Power Teachers!

This week we have done a summary about all the tasks that we have done until this moment. We have used the tool called Moovly to do a video for this activity. This video has been divided in three main parts: the technological resources that we have used during the subject, the contents that we have learnt and, finally, the pedagogy methods that the teacher has applied and we have learnt in order to use them in our future as teachers.

Now, I am going to explain you some of the more important terms this week:

A summary is a short synopsis about something, explaining the main points in a clear way in order to understand the more important facts of a longer text, activity, video…
Summary. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from website:

Moovly is an online programme in which you can create your own videos in the network. It was creates in order to allow the creation of animated videos to the people without the necessity to pay for it and, in the same way, to adapt them to their desires or necessities by themselves.
About us (2014). In Moovly. Retrieved from

The technological resources can include from images, music and text to technological programmes that can help you to develop different ways to explain or to present something. The main thing that we must take into account when we use technological resources is that all of them have to be protected by software licencing, patents and copyrights or intellectual property, so if you are going to use them you must  recognize who has created it, in order to respect the work of that person. 
Business Resources (2013, December 5). In Stuvia. Retrieved from

With the word content we want to do reference to the information that the teachers give us in the classroom. This information is usually related with a certain area of knowledge in each subject and in the last years is started to be related not only with the knowledge, in not with the skills too. 
Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from

Along the time the definition of pedagogy has gone changing and even now we can define it in different ways. For some people the pedagogy is based in the teaching of the content and it is only used in children. However, in the last years some people has developed that the pedagogy is based in accompany in the learning process and that, maybe, it has not to be concentrated in a determinate age.
Smith, M. K. (2012). ‘What is pedagogy?’, the encyclopaedia of informal education. Retrieved:

Here you have the references! The Curator-Farmer is here!

Hi bloggers! I'm Rebeca Cascales Ribera and this week my role has been the Curator-Farmer. The aim of this role is including the references of every webs, songs, images, etc. that we have used.  

This week, the project has been different to the other weeks, it has been a summary of what we have learnt, so there aren't lots of references because we have only used some logos, a song and the web sites to find the description of the translator's words. If you like the different tasks and you want to see the entire projects, you can find it in this blog. 

Here you have the different references divided into Images, Music and Descriptions, what we have used this week.


Csore, A. (other). (2013). Neon@Prezi. Flickr. Retrieved from

Gorcesky, J. (other). (2011). Toon Doo tutorials: Digital storytelling in the form of embeddable comic books. Flickr. Retrieved from

Ivan, W. (other). (2009). Cative Commons Logo. Flickr. Retrieved from

 Jamendo, . (other). (2008). Jamendo_logo. Flickr. Retrieved from

Kosta, U. (other). (2011). Youtube-logo. Flickr. Retrieved from

Lafrance, M. (other). (2010). Google Blogger logo. Flickr. Retrieved from

Masoner, R. (other). (2005). Googe-reader-logo. [Image of painting]. Flickr. Retrieved from

Rs3art, . (other). (2007). Movie Maker Icon. [Image of painting]. Flickr. Retrieved from

Shellabarger, D. (other). (2004). Flickr logo Beta. Flickr. Retrieved from

Sileche, . (other). (2012). Cmaptools. Flickr. Retrieved from


 Djphiction.(2012). What I Got (Phiction Extended). [Online sound recording]. Retrieved from


About us (2014). In Moovly. Retrieved from

Business Resources (2013, December 5). In Stuvia. Retrieved from

Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from

Smith, M. K. (2012). ‘What is pedagogy?’, the encyclopaedia of informal education. Retrieved:

Summary. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from website:

Now, I'm going to show the Mind Map that I have done this week. As I told before, it is divided into three parts and three colours to differentiate it, the Images part has the blue part; the music, the pink part and the descriptions, the green one.

Thank you for your attention and I hope you really enjoy with our video!