viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

Information: where is it from?

Hi everyone! I'm Anthea and today  I am here as the curator farmer to let you know where the references are from. As we have been working in the same project of the previous weeks, we only have as new the translator references.

Here you have the references of the translator:

Snakes and Ladders. (2015, April 18). In Wikipedia. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

Heathfield, S. (n.d.). What is a team? . In About. Retrieved from
Team . (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries . Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

Consideration. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

Opponent. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster . Retrieved April 28, 2015, from
Opponent . (n.d.). In Collins Dictionary. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

Farlex . (n.d.). Rule . In The free dictionary . Retrieved April 28, 2015, from
Rule. (n.d.). In Retrieved April 28, 2015, from

Snakes and Ladders' STAR

Hi bloggers! I'm Alba García and, once more, I've been the star! This week my duty as a star has been shared with Anthea, as she has been the second star. We have had to study the different topics about the LOMCE so we could answer correctly some questions about those topics in the game Snakes and Ladders.

As the journalist has said, the game took part on Monday and on Thursday. We climbed some ladders, went down on some snakes (damn that snake on 82!) but finally, the most exciting move came... In our last turn, we went up in a ladder from 70 to 94, answered the question asked by our teacher correctly, rolled the dice, got a 6, and moved to 100! AND WE ANSWERED THAT LAST QUESTION CORRECTLY AND BECAME THE WINNERS OF THE GAME!!!!!!  

This task has been the one in which the stars have had the most responsibility as it was up to us winning the game and getting the prize or losing. Maybe this was just a game, but being responsible for the performance of a whole group of people could also happen to us in many other situations in life, not only in the academic and professional aspects, but also in the personal ones. On the one hand, when we become teachers and get a job at a school, which I hope will be soon, our head of department and the school head will be the ones representing the whole department and the whole school, respectively. One day, we may also become heads of department or even school heads, and this role has taught me that sometimes, it's up to our own performance that a collective of people succeed or don't. On the other hand, we are very likely to form a family in the future, and the well-functioning of a family depends on the parents most of the time. Again, in this quotidian situation, two people are the ones in charge of making sure that everything goes well.

I have to say that the star for this task has been the most exciting of all, as playing the game was really funny and interesting. Knowing the answers for the questions was important, but there was also an important component of LUCK as maybe you answered many questions correctly but if you cought a snake you would go down on the board, and, on the contrary, if you were lucky you could catch many ladders and climb up in the board. As with being responsible for a collective, the component of luck is also present in many situations in life. From knowing the questions in an exam, to going shopping and finding something that you like and suits you well, luck may become a decisive factor. Also, for when we do the exams for working as a teacher for the Estate, we may be lucky and have to compete against few people for a high number of vacancies, or we may be unlucky and compete againts many people for few vacancies.This task has showed me that sometimes it isn't 100% up to us succeeding or not; there are many other factors that can help or affect you in a negative way in your performance.

To finish with, I would like to congratulate all of the stars form every group for their great job, and to Keep Calm & Keep Organized for that SECOND PLACE! Good job guys!