Hi bloggers! I'm Anthea and I have been the analyst during this task. As you already know, my current role consists on control how we work, not only in group, but also by ourselves.
This time, the task was about the same topic as the week before: the LOMCE, the Spanish Education Law, which was divided into six parts in our task. But actually the work consisted on making four questions for each topic, so, in total, 24.
This time, the task was about the same topic as the week before: the LOMCE, the Spanish Education Law, which was divided into six parts in our task. But actually the work consisted on making four questions for each topic, so, in total, 24.
As future teachers (or at least we are supposed to be), we have to know what the current law ask us to teach and what children have to learn.
It has been good having more time to prepare this activity, because we had some very hard weeks and this time we have had more time to discuss among us and try to do it better than before. The best thing of this activity has been having the same topic than the week before and realise that we remember many things about the topic we worked in. In this way, it has been more dynamic sharing what we knew, because we did not have to look at the documents as frequently as the times we didn't know almost anything.
But not everything has been a piece of cake! When we though we would be able to finish an activity without any added difficulty, right at the end, we realised that the cards were badly printed, because the lines were not in the place they should have to be. So we basically wasted our money. In order not to spend our money once more, we decided not to printed again and we saw that the other alternative was the use of the correction fluid, although maybe it has not been the best choice, as we have realised.
As students and future teachers we don't stop learning and this week we have keep learning about this topic, but mainly how to make good questions about something. We have learnt to create not easy questions, but a bit more difficult ones. Furthermore, we have learnt to be more cooperative and to give opinions and advises to our colleagues. So this is something we should conserved as a group for the following weeks.
We have to know what the law says (as I have mentioned before), because it is where the contents which have to be taught are. So, in part it is good to be familiar with it; but, on the other hand, it is difficult for anyone because of the continuous changes of the law, each time that a new political party starts directing our country. It good be a really good point having an educational law as the Finnish one (for example), since Finland is one of the best countries that a person can study in.
Finally, I would like to point out that our education it is not a joke or a game, it is something necessary for getting a job, improving our life level or even just for feeling good about oneself.