Hi bloggers! I'm Alba García and I've been the journalist for this activity.
We have been very lucky this week, as we had to use the tool Fakebook, which some of us had already used previously for another subject. 1 UP! 

We met on Wednesday and divided the work among us. I looked for other resources where the different Leadership teams where explained, while my other collegues analyzed the document provided by our teacher. Finally, as we liked how things where explained in both documents, we decided to combine them to create a more complete profile for each Leadership style.
On Monday in class, we were in charge of designing some questions to ask the other groups about each of the Leadership styles, and Rebeca was in charge of controlling the time so any group excedeed the time set to answer the questions.
Meanwhile, the other groups' stars had to get together two by two and defend one of the leadership styles. To do so, they and their groups had to look for information about the leadership styles in each of the Fakebook profiles in order to collect as much information as possible. Then, all the stars had to go to the front of the class and defend their leadership style.
Once more, in this activity we have had to cooperate with groups we haven't usually worked with. We will find ourselves in this situation many other times when we begin to work at a new school, or when new teachers arrive to the school we are working at. We have to learn to adapt ourselves to working with people we aren't used to work with.
To finish with, I would like to recommend you two blogs.
The first blog I would like to recommend is Platypus' blog. Apart from the design of the blog (which I absolutely love and find very funny), I really like how it is structured and the fact that one of the first things you see in the blog is the group's photo at the left side of the page. Besides, the section "Best Post!" at the right side of the page has made a very good impression on me, as it's been the first time I've come through something like this in one of our blogs. The content of their posts also deserves a special mention. Good work guys!

The second blog I would like to recommend is El Rincón del Maestro. There, you can find a collection of activities and resources for many different subjects both in English and in Spanish. This is a very useful blog where you can find many interesting activities for our future students and you can also send them the activities you have done to share them with the educative community.