martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Have you got some doubt? Don't worry! I am here for solving them!

Hi bloggers, I am Silvia! This is our last week and we have to say goodbye since the role of the TRANSLATOR.

This week we have worked with the different types of LEADERSHIP, more specifically with the AUTHORITARIAN, the PARTICIPATIVE, the TRANSACTIONAL and the TRANSFORMATIONAL. Are you a bit confused? Don’t worry! We felt the same when we started the activity, so here you can find the principal definitions that are going to help you for understanding the different roles of this activity.

The leadership is based in the guide that someone gives to some people for doing something. There are different perceptions of leaders, since a political to a religious. The leader stablishes the steps to follow and he or she must be secure that these steps are achieved. In addition a leader must have a good vision for developing good ideas and to know how he or she can motivate to the rest of people that are following him or her.
What is Leadership?. (n.d.). In Mind Tools. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

One of the four types of leaders who is characterized for having a big control over all the aspects of the work, including the workers, who usually have not got the opportunity for giving their opinions or ideas because, as we have said the boss is who control everything and the rest of the people have a limit liberty.
Authoritarian. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Authoritarian. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from website: 

It is other of the types of leadership that, as its own name indicates, is based in the participation of all the members of the work. I mean, the participative leader allows that the people give their own ideas, above all in decisions that affect themselves. In addition, this type of leadership also allows a higher work in group.
Participative. (n.d.). In Macmillan Dictionary. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Participative. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

This third type is based in the motivation of their workers using rewards and punishments. This leader is very organized and uses more the rewards than the punishments, although these last can be present too. He or she gives all the responsibility to the worker when gives an order, and the worker is the responsible in all the moment about this tasks.
Transactional Leadership. (n.d.). In Changing Minds. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

The last type is characterized by the passion and the energy. He or she worries about the workers and thinks that with the appropriate motivation they can do great things. This type of leader is confident and charismatic, a thing that if they do not know control can give them problems in the suture for developing the activities or tasks that they want.
Transformational Leadership. (n.d.). In Changing Minds. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

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