martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Here is the analyst!!!! :D

Hello everybody, I’m going to analyse a bit!!

How you can see from previous weeks I’m in charge of  analysing how we have worked as a group and as a individuals and also what we have learnt during this week doing the activity.

I think that when we doing an activity always have some positive things, and other less positive things. In this case I think that the positive o the best part of the activity of this week has been to have to do a webpage in a new website that we didn’t know called “Fakebook”. In this webpage some of us, Silvia, Rebeca, María and me who had a type of leader, had to create a profile, in where we had to write why people had to choose our leader, and why not they didn’t have to chose the others. I think that, how in the real life each one thinks in her/his own benefit, and something like that have occurred in this activity, since when we had to write why not people didn’t have to choose our partners I think that there was a bit of bad idea, but it’s normally because if not the activity wasn’t totally real. How we would say in Spanish, “sacamos trapos sucios”.

I have to say that when we have done the activity we were melancholic, because this activity was the last one of the course, and on the one hand we were happy because we have worked so hard and now we want to study for our exams, but on the other hand we were sad because, really, we had a lot of fun doing all the activities and we have learnt from the others and also we have learnt to be more respect with the opinions from the other and somethings like that. The thruth is that there was a special thing that we thought that it was the best moment of our last activity and it was to see some of our professors of the university which ones encouraged us. I could say some bad moments but this week, allthings have been good, I thought that it means that we have learnt many things during the course, which ones we have applied to do a good group. I would like to say that I’m so proud of my partner’s work, and of my group in general since they are good people, and better students.

The content of this activity is related to the real life in many aspects. For example, in a future we will work at a school, and the director of the school will be like our leader, and we have to be prepared to work with different types of people and doing our work the better that we can. I think that this activity has allowed us to know how type of leader we would like to be in a future.

Finally I would to say that how I said before, I am a bit bad because I am going to miss a lot our meeting to do the different activites, and the moment that we have passed together which ones are in my mind forever and how I also have said before I am so proud of my group, and I hope that finally all our work have a good reward.

Boys and girls, I see you soon!!! I hope that you don’t miss us a lot!!!

Good luck!!

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