martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Do you need some definition? The TRANSLATOR is here!

Hi bloggers! I am Silvia García. We are here one week more and this time I am the translator of the Power Teachers!

This week we have done a summary about all the tasks that we have done until this moment. We have used the tool called Moovly to do a video for this activity. This video has been divided in three main parts: the technological resources that we have used during the subject, the contents that we have learnt and, finally, the pedagogy methods that the teacher has applied and we have learnt in order to use them in our future as teachers.

Now, I am going to explain you some of the more important terms this week:

A summary is a short synopsis about something, explaining the main points in a clear way in order to understand the more important facts of a longer text, activity, video…
Summary. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved March 16, 2015, from website:

Moovly is an online programme in which you can create your own videos in the network. It was creates in order to allow the creation of animated videos to the people without the necessity to pay for it and, in the same way, to adapt them to their desires or necessities by themselves.
About us (2014). In Moovly. Retrieved from

The technological resources can include from images, music and text to technological programmes that can help you to develop different ways to explain or to present something. The main thing that we must take into account when we use technological resources is that all of them have to be protected by software licencing, patents and copyrights or intellectual property, so if you are going to use them you must  recognize who has created it, in order to respect the work of that person. 
Business Resources (2013, December 5). In Stuvia. Retrieved from

With the word content we want to do reference to the information that the teachers give us in the classroom. This information is usually related with a certain area of knowledge in each subject and in the last years is started to be related not only with the knowledge, in not with the skills too. 
Hidden curriculum (2014, August 26). In S. Abbott (Ed.), The glossary of education reform. Retrieved from

Along the time the definition of pedagogy has gone changing and even now we can define it in different ways. For some people the pedagogy is based in the teaching of the content and it is only used in children. However, in the last years some people has developed that the pedagogy is based in accompany in the learning process and that, maybe, it has not to be concentrated in a determinate age.
Smith, M. K. (2012). ‘What is pedagogy?’, the encyclopaedia of informal education. Retrieved:

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