martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

It's time to analyse the week!!!!

Hello my bloggers, first of all I have to tell you that this week have been a beautiful week since with this task my group and me have had a lot of fun.
First of all I would like to say that the funniest part of the activity was making a video. Since while we were doing it we were remember how the course started and how long time have passed until now. While we were remembering the different tasks that we did we remembered too the bad moments which my group and me have lived, since we had many problems at time to meet.
Apart from the feelings, we have learnt many things, like what is TPACK, how can we use images, videos, music, with a creative common license; how to use many different tools to do a comic, and others things, how to do a presentation in other programme which isn’t power point or prezi, and many things like that. If you can see more about it you can look for in the previous task and in the post of the analyst you can see each task developed deeper, since this task it has been a summarize of all thing that we have done until now.
Well, it’s time to talk about my colleges and me as a group. Firstly I have to say that we always respect to the other opinions, thinking, timetables, problems, and somethings like that. We don’t despise anything from the others, so I thing that is a good characteristic of us. On the other hand, I think that when we meet sometimes we lost time, it could be something normal, since after eight hours of class we don’t want to work six hours more, but how I said before we had serious problems at time to met, so when we met we have to benefit the more we can. So I maybe improving this aspect to the follows weeks, and maybe we work less hours and maybe we have more time to do other things.
This contents are related to other contents for example, that textbooks can’t say always the thruth, so we shouldn’t entrust always in the tools that we use to study, and something like that because they could be wrong. Secondly that we only can use photograph with creative common license in our works and studies. Thirdly, how we have to do an exposition, since we often do exposition in all the degree, and in a future like future teachers we are going to be in a long exposition in our class. And finally, TPACK is related to all our subjects since each one have at least one of the components of TPACK, such as technology, pedagogy, or content.
I think that related to this task there isn’t any connection of this content, apart from that politics and our class have been the same things, like a campaign period to win the public in which each group explain the reasons why the have to win the competition, and after that we have to vote each group and finally a the winner will win a food for each member of the group.

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