lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

The JOURNALIST is here to tell you everything of this week!

Hello everyone! I'm Rebeca Cascales Ribera and this week my job is being the JOURNALIST of Power Teachers!

This week, we continue working into the LOMCE topic, but specially into the questions that we made during our Easter holidays. When we finished the class of Monday, where our group with some components of Bussy Bees as Bernabé, Miriam, Yolanda and María,  checked and valued the different questions of topic 1, Linda explained us the next activity into the divided class. 

On Monday 13th, we divided by groups and some components of PowerPuffTeachers as Carmen, Lucía and Ana came with us to work together with topic 4. Our job to that class was copying every questions and if some of them were repeated, we must take the most complete and the better one. We also must check every mistake that we found.

We divided into three groups to copy some questions by separate and do it quickly, the groups were composed by Ana, Marina and Silvia; Lucía, Carmen and Marina; and Anthea, Alba and me, as you can see into the photos.

Then, when we compared every questions and we decided what of them were the good ones, the star of our group uploaded into her post and show to everybody the Topic 4's questions.

On  the other side, on Thursday 16th,  we were also divided by groups, but this time the divided group was the mine; Alba, Silvia and Anthea were with  Bussy Bees and, Maria and me (Rebeca) were with Keep Kalm and Keep Organized.

In my group, while I was looking for the whole questions of Topic 1 into the class' blogs, they divided the whole cards into three groups to be quickly. We take the best questions of every groups and we decided the good and complete questions to the next session activity. 

On Monday 20th, we had hadn't any homework those weekend, so we didn't know what we were going to do in that class. Linda came and asked the coach or the trainer of each group the methodology that we're going to use to study the topics. Then, she told us that we had time to study and we had the three hours to prepare our next weeks' stars.

In this role, another important task apart from telling the weeks' story, is recommending two blogs, one of our classmates and another of Education. So, my blogs of this week are the following:

To start with our classmates' blog, I'm going to recommend the PowerPuffTeachers one. I have been seeing every blog of the class and this was the one which strikes me because apart from the name that I really love, the design of the blog is very feminist and very beautiful.  I have to say that the organisation is very good too. On the right side, we can see a welcome to everybody who visit them, a photo of them, the visits with a map, the Twitter, every posts separated by months or by role and their names. As I have read, it's a very interesting role and they are working hard and do it as better as they can. I hope you keep like this and I have to congratulate you girls!


On the other side, I'm going to speak about an Education blog called "Sentada en un pupitre de Primaria". I have been read it and it's a very interesting and complete blog. To explain better, it's a blog where you can find some resources of Primary Education. The design is very entertaining because is for children. The organisation is the normal one, in the right side you can find the Creative Common Liscence, the Practices 2.0, the email, some books' sales, the visits, Twitter, Facebook, Scholar calendar, everything that they have uploaded by months and by topic and finally, the ISBN of the blog. And in the upper part, there are some options as their information. Then, the lasts posts are very interesting too, for example resources to have better orthography, some tools for doing comics, some books' recommendation, etc. I hope you visit this blog because it can be useful for ourselves in a future and for everyone who want to use it.


I hope you really enjoy with us and with our posts. See you soon bloggers!

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