Hello everyone! My name is Rebeca Cascales Ribera and this week my role has been the facilitator.
During this week I had to coordinate and
control the group. Apart from distributing the roles, I had to direct and control that the whole
group had worked properly together. The boss of the group has the task of being
the key person in the solution of personal affairs between members and guaranteeing the quality of our blog.
To summarise the week, we started when we listened the
explanation of Linda at class and the exposition of this project. It was very
exciting because it was our first project and it was about something that we've
never listened about before, the TPACK model.
TPACK is a combination of three important components as Technology,
Pedagogy and Content. Working with this combination would be very interesting
because you're using everything and learning from lots of places.
I decided that each group member would read at home the
information and do their own schema to make it easier to gather the information
in the following meeting, that it would be on Wednesday. We met and we put together all the
information and made a common schema about the TPACK. It was like a brainstorm
and it was worthwhile because all together gathered the most relevant
information. On Thursday, we would meet in the School Organisation and
Educational Resources hour of class and would make our poster that would be used to
expose the project on Monday by the star.
To conclude, we're proud of our work and we hope you enjoy with us. I would like to congratulate my group because of the work and of the good experience we have lived.
very well done, continue on this way and enjoy!