martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

The evaluation for this week is...

This post is about the evaluation of the other groups' mindmaps. To do so, we have focused on the content, the exposition, the creativity and the poster itself.

Firstly, the Meerkatsoyer1415 group had a very complete content but they only show us an example of the subject in the mindmap. If they had given us information of all subjects, it would be perfect. However, the poster wasn't creative because it was a printed image.

Secondly, the Power Puff Teachers  group had a very creative poster, it was one of the most worked posters. The exposition was good  and the content was complete too , although the star spoke very quickly. 

Thirdly, regarding  the Umpalumpas group, we found the poster very creative and well done. The content wasn't very complete but the exposition was very good although the star was a little nervous. We understand her position because it's the first time. 

Fourthly, the Keep Calm and Keep Organized group had a very big and clear poster. The exposition was very good and the content was clear but they got confused with the part about the subjects.

Fifthly, the Platypus group had a very original and creative poster, the exposition was one of the best of the class in our opinion. The content was clear and complete.

Sixthly, the SevenUp group did a good exposition although the content was a little short.  The poster wasn't very creative but it was clear.

Seventhly, the ItsChOOL group was awesome in every aspects because they had a very original poster, the content was very complete and the exposition was very entertaining and enjoyable.

Eighthly, the Busy Bess group, concerning the posters, it was one of the most original with the robot. The content and the exposition were very dynamic because the star was interacting while she was explaining the mindmap.

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