martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

I'm the analyst this week and this is my work!

 Hi, I'm Anthea and this week I'be been the Analyst.

a) What was the best part of the activity?
The best part has been being the whole group together, telling what we could include in the project and giving explanations about why we thouht our own ideas were the correct ones.
After all, we have done an exposition, in which the star has explained the work and the teacher has made some questions to make sure we all know what our project is about.

b) What was the worse?
The worse part is getting nervous when we have to do our presentation to the whole class, because we are afraid of making mistakes, although we shouldn't be, because everybody is wrong sometime.

c) What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
The best moment of the week was when we were working on this project together and giving many ideas for the way we would do it.

d) What was the worse?
The worse moment arose when we had to agree and stablishing a specific day for meeting and do our project.
Apart from this, it hasn't been nothing bad about the group's work.

e) What have you learnt?
We have learnt many things about the topic of this project, TPACK. Although it hasn't been the only thing, there are others such as organizing or coordinating our work.
From my point of view, it has teaches us not only how to do our work, but also how to communicate among us and make sure we take the right decision, which is really important for us because before becoming a good teacher, we have to make mistakes and then learn from them.
If we don't make that mistakes now, will them arise in the future when we'll be teachers? This wouldn't be good at all, because we wouldn't have a person who tells us which the right way is, and, for that reason, we wouldn't teach things in the appropriate way.

f) What do you need to conserve -as group- for the next weeks?
We have to conserve the enthusiasm we have worked with all the week and be positive about the projects, which will help us in the future.
Another thing is that we get on well with every person of the group and that helps us to tell what is wrong or if something doesn't works properly.
And the last thing is that if something doesn't work good, we know how to separate what happens in and out of the work's group; it means, arguments because of the project can't affect our personal reactions.

g) What do you need to improve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We have to improve the organization of the group, because there were moments in which we didn't know what to do and how to go on.
Another aspect I have to take into account is that there is a lack of content in our project respect to the other groups, even though we will do our best to improve everything, but mainly this part.

h) How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
It is related to all subjects, because each one is included in some part of TPACK. For this reason, it's important to know what they are about, which contents they have and how to teach them.

i) There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?

It is connected to the increasing use of the social networks and electronic devices (tablets, computers...), because it's more and more common work with them. So we have to know how to use them for teaching children in the future.

1 comentario:

  1. The reflections are pretty superficial, you need more connections... review the material about reflection that we have speak in the first week AND try to do this in a more global way, not just a sequence of questions and answers.
