lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

''Are you ready Powerteachers?'' -Yes, boss!! ''I can't hear you!'' -We are boss! ♪ ♫

Hi bloggers! I'm María García and this week I have been the facilitator! As you have already known, the facilitator has to divide the work of the activity and make sure that all the components work and do their roles.

The roles of this week have been...


This week the activity has been doing two mindmaps about several topics about the LOMCE. My group had to do the mindmaps of the first (''An overview of the Educational System'') and the fourth topic (''Organisational variations and alternative structures in Primary Education''). So, as we are six in the group I decided on Monday to do groups of three and each group had to do one topic and collect the main information to do a good mindmap for the following day (Tuesday).
The first topic has been done by Anthea Clemente, Alba García and me and the fourth topic by Rebeca Cascales, Marina Crevillén and Silvia García.
However, I made a mistake: In the web page of the topic one there are six different points. So, I divided these points between Anthea, Alba and me, and I assigned two points for each one. The problem was that the following day, Anthea said me that in one of her points there were many documents for see and that was a lot for only her, so she didn't do all of these documents. Moreover, one of the points of Alba was references of other pages and from that we didn't take any information. So, when we met this day (Tuesday) the group of the topic four had almost the whole information but my group (topic one) didn't. We had to collect the information of some documents more. So, Anthea, Alba and me did the rest of information that we needed to complete our mindmap.
Moreover, in the beginning, we thought that we had to compare the LOE with the LOMCE, so, for example, when I did my points of the topic one I was confused because I was seeing that the information that it was on the page was the same that I was seeing in the document of the LOMCE. But, then I realized that the page where I was taking the information was modified and had the information of the LOMCE that it was what we needed. So, Tuesday morning I asked our teacher for guarantee that the purpose of the activity was put the information of the LOMCE in the mindmap and not doing a comparaison.
Our teacher said that it was only necessary the information of the LOMCE. This afternoon, while Rebeca, Marina and Silvia were doing the mindmap about the topic four, the others took the missing information. We collected all and we did a part of the mindmap. When the group of topic four finished, they passed the evaluations of the activity of the videos of ''What have we learned?'' activity to a post for upload to our blog.
As Anthea, Alba and me didn't finish the mindmap in Cmap Tools (we had the whole information in several outlines), Alba and me finished it the Friday afternoon because we lived in the same town, so we can did it more comfortably.
I know that if I would have realized that one of the points of Anthea was longer than the others and I'd have divided better the points, we would finished the mindmap of the topic one Tuesday afternoon. But I had a mistake. However, we did the activity well and I think that we worked almost in a same way. This experience will help me to organize better the future works.
So, I want to thank my partners for being excellent hard-working persons and for understanding my little mistake.
I hope our mindmaps give you a good and clear information about the LOMCE and that you visit our blog one more week!

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