martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Explaining terms!

Hi! I'm Anthea and this week I've been the translator. I've had to choose five terms and explain them by using my own words.

Projection map
It is a representation of the Earth (its continents, oceans, seas...), which is represented in a way or another, depending on the purpose of the projection and its author. This is clearly explained in the work we have had to do, in which we had to talk about three map projections: Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal.

Treasure hunt
There are some question that have to be solved. And to finish the activity there is a more complex question that can be replied by knowing the other ones' answers.
Depending on the age and level of the students, it will be easier or more difficult.

Distort is to give something a shape or approach it doesn't have. In this project, it means that the map projections we have worked with weren't well represented in some parts (depending on the projection), so they were altered. Although it doesn't appear only in maps, but also in media.

In the media we can find everything we use to communicate among us. In adittion, there are some types, each one with a purpose: broadcast media, which transmit information through the Internet; print media, which distribute the information; outdoor media for adverts; digital media, which includes Internet and mobile mass communication.


Cartography is the production of maps, in which it is included the map projections.

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