Hello everyone! I am María García and this week I have been the analyst! My role consists in analysing the work of this week! I hope you find this task interesting and you read our blog every week!
a) What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of this activity was doing the posters of the map projections in three cardboards because we had to work with different materials. We divided the three different map projections: Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal. It was fun but at the same time weird show the different views of the world and observe how two different countries are shown in each map projection. So, in conclusion, we thought that the best part was working with materials as cardboards, EVA foam, felt-tip markers, etc. It was dynamic and enjoyable. Finally, it was great when our star had to explain the presentation with other stars and we had to share with the other components of the groups our experiences in this task. In a short time we had to mixed our information and did a common presentation for the class and it was interesting.
b) What was the worse?
Without doubt, the worse part of this activity was to look for a topic about a resource that distort the vision of students about something and the information about it. We had to change the topic several times and look for the information about it again. It was difficult to find good examples about our topic for this part of the activity.
c) What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
I thought that the best moment was when we thought about how we can show this activity. It means, when we were meeting, we collected the information that we needed for this task and each of one of us said a way to explain the activity and how we can do this in an original and enjoyable way. It was like a brainstorm and it was great because between all we took good ideas and we were happy because we saw that our work can be great.
d) What was the worse?
There aren't bad things in the work of the group but it was difficult because we had to agree in the days that we had to meet and not always all of us can meet. Moreover, not always we were agree with some ideas, but we try to do the best that we can do and listen all the ideas and then we decided which one is the best.
e) What have you learnt?
In this activity we learnt that there is several kinds of map projections. Each of the three authors had different ways to see the world and they had a different purpose. We can observe how two different countries are shown in the different map projections. Besides, another part of the activity included the fact that some topics are distort and in this activity we can observed how this occurs in education. There are places where several materials or teachers explain one incident in the way that they want. So, the information that it is given to some children in many places is not neutral. And it is something that we don't realized but it is real. And we had to try to stop this kind of fact. We can learn how this fact happens and we saw some steps to stop that.
f) What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
I think that we always have to maintain the eagerness of working because it so important to do the activities with motivation. When you work with eager beaver and you do the best of you, the work will be great and you pass good times doing it and you learn with it. Moreover, we have to conserve the team spirit and the encouragement and support that we give to the group. We have to continue supporting each other and help between all of us. These are the things that I think we have to conserve every week in our group and in our lives.
g) What do you need to improve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We would need to improve the organization for doing the task because this week we thought that in a short span of time we can do the task and at last we were overwhelmed. Also, we had to organize better the session of meetings and collect all the information as well as possible for the days that we will meet.
h) How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
The content that we saw in this activity is related with the fact that we as teachers have to make sure that the content that we will explain in the future has to be neutral. Moreover, this activity is related with the subject Spanish because in our treasure hunt we chose one that had questions of Spanish. The content that we learnt in this task I think is related with our course but not specifically with all the subjects. It is more general because this task showed us how some things as the maps can be projected in different ways and how each of one had different purposes. It is good to know that not always all the contents are developed as they had to do. And this fact is important in our degree as teachers.
i) There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?
There are many social connection with the content of the idea that ''media is not neutral''. Our group chose the topic about history textbooks because in many places the books of history explain a lot of facts in different ways depending on the place. Some history books include the ideologies of the authors and this is not neutral. Besides, other media as TV or other media communication have a distortion because they show many news that are not always as they said it. We found a new that shows how a Texas' school books promote climate change and downplay segregation:
a) What was the best part of the activity?
The best part of this activity was doing the posters of the map projections in three cardboards because we had to work with different materials. We divided the three different map projections: Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal. It was fun but at the same time weird show the different views of the world and observe how two different countries are shown in each map projection. So, in conclusion, we thought that the best part was working with materials as cardboards, EVA foam, felt-tip markers, etc. It was dynamic and enjoyable. Finally, it was great when our star had to explain the presentation with other stars and we had to share with the other components of the groups our experiences in this task. In a short time we had to mixed our information and did a common presentation for the class and it was interesting.
b) What was the worse?
Without doubt, the worse part of this activity was to look for a topic about a resource that distort the vision of students about something and the information about it. We had to change the topic several times and look for the information about it again. It was difficult to find good examples about our topic for this part of the activity.
c) What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)?
I thought that the best moment was when we thought about how we can show this activity. It means, when we were meeting, we collected the information that we needed for this task and each of one of us said a way to explain the activity and how we can do this in an original and enjoyable way. It was like a brainstorm and it was great because between all we took good ideas and we were happy because we saw that our work can be great.
d) What was the worse?
There aren't bad things in the work of the group but it was difficult because we had to agree in the days that we had to meet and not always all of us can meet. Moreover, not always we were agree with some ideas, but we try to do the best that we can do and listen all the ideas and then we decided which one is the best.
e) What have you learnt?
In this activity we learnt that there is several kinds of map projections. Each of the three authors had different ways to see the world and they had a different purpose. We can observe how two different countries are shown in the different map projections. Besides, another part of the activity included the fact that some topics are distort and in this activity we can observed how this occurs in education. There are places where several materials or teachers explain one incident in the way that they want. So, the information that it is given to some children in many places is not neutral. And it is something that we don't realized but it is real. And we had to try to stop this kind of fact. We can learn how this fact happens and we saw some steps to stop that.
f) What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?
I think that we always have to maintain the eagerness of working because it so important to do the activities with motivation. When you work with eager beaver and you do the best of you, the work will be great and you pass good times doing it and you learn with it. Moreover, we have to conserve the team spirit and the encouragement and support that we give to the group. We have to continue supporting each other and help between all of us. These are the things that I think we have to conserve every week in our group and in our lives.
g) What do you need to improve -as a group- for the next weeks?
We would need to improve the organization for doing the task because this week we thought that in a short span of time we can do the task and at last we were overwhelmed. Also, we had to organize better the session of meetings and collect all the information as well as possible for the days that we will meet.
h) How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?
The content that we saw in this activity is related with the fact that we as teachers have to make sure that the content that we will explain in the future has to be neutral. Moreover, this activity is related with the subject Spanish because in our treasure hunt we chose one that had questions of Spanish. The content that we learnt in this task I think is related with our course but not specifically with all the subjects. It is more general because this task showed us how some things as the maps can be projected in different ways and how each of one had different purposes. It is good to know that not always all the contents are developed as they had to do. And this fact is important in our degree as teachers.
i) There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?
There are many social connection with the content of the idea that ''media is not neutral''. Our group chose the topic about history textbooks because in many places the books of history explain a lot of facts in different ways depending on the place. Some history books include the ideologies of the authors and this is not neutral. Besides, other media as TV or other media communication have a distortion because they show many news that are not always as they said it. We found a new that shows how a Texas' school books promote climate change and downplay segregation:
This week the activity was more difficult than the last week but finally we developed it good and we did it in original ways as the treasure hunt. We had to make a bigger effort because we had to think more about what we can do and we had to choose and collect information that it was unknown for us. Also, we didn't organize as well as the last week.
The day of the exposition we had to present the activity with two other groups of the class. Also, the each role of each of the three groups had to share the problems and the experiences that his group had. For example, in my case, the analysts of the groups that we were joined had to share our experiences. I talked with the analysts of the Platypus' and Meerkat's groups. Platypus said that they had problems with the organization of this week's activity (each component of the group have different schedules) and that in the beginning they were confused about the content of the task. However, they asked and they understood the activity and they know that they have to organize better for the next activities. Nonetheless, they did the activity well and they got had a good presentation.
The other group, Meerkat, had problems with the organization too. They had insufficient time to meet with all of them. It was because they had different schedules and not always they can meet. However, they divided the work and they did the activity well. They think that they had to organize better and they had to divide the work equally.
I miss more profound reflections, by the moment you are -in the best parts- in the second stage of reflection let's go beyond!!!