martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

Hello, this week I have been the STAR of my group!

Hello everybody!!

This week I have been the star of my group. I have to say that the day before, I was very nervous because I didn’t do an exposition alone previously, but I felt relax when the teacher, told us that we have to do the exposition each three groups. I had to do it with the stars from the others group, Fran from the group “Platypus” and Paloma from the group “Documenting a long trip across #SOyER1415”. It was a great experience working together because I saw the different ways to do this activity, and I think that is better to know how the other group working because we can take good things of the experience.

To start working in groups, the teacher told us that we had thirty minutes to prepare our global exposition and it had to be a mix of the three exposition. At the beginning the component of the three groups were so stressed because we didn’t know how we are going to do a mix because we had different things, but at the end we decide on how we are going to do it.

To do the exposition, the three stars of the groups said the two countries which we chose, (in the case of my group we had chosen Australia and Germany), and after that I explain the treasure hunt, and Fran explain the other resources that his group and the mine looked for, to show people that media is not neutral. I think that Paloma, Fran and me were a bit nervous because we wanted to say many things but we didn’t have enough time, so we have to sum up much of the content that we had. But finally I think that the exposition was very well because we said all things that we had to say.

Our materials used in order to do the exposition are:


Australia will be better represented in the Mercator map projection because this map shows a more realistic view of the sea and Australia is an island situated in the middle of the sea, far away from the land. We have dismissed the Robinson and Azimuthal maps projections because they are distorted in the Poles and their representation is smallest that it really is.

Germany will be better represented in the Robinson map projection because this kind of projections show distortion on the meridians, becoming grater as you get near the Poles, so the centre is more realistic. We have dismissed the Azimuthal map projection because he shows Germany in the centre of the map and this is not realistic, Germany isn't the centre of Europe, we have also dismissed the Mercator map projection because this kind of map is for navigation and Germany is far away from the sea, it's inside.


There are lots of resources that are different from what they really are. We are going to focus on the History textbooks because although the contents are the same, we can  see how a problem or war can be explained in different ways depending on which country the textbook is from.

The ideology is something very important everywhere and it can also affect how the thing are expressed in the textbooks. For example, depending on the editorial's ideology, the textbooks will take one side or the other regarding the historical facts. Another important thing could be the religion and the nationalism of the place, and depends on this, they will be and believe in a way or into another.

Another example could be, the World War II, where many people could blame  Germany because of the Nazism, which destroyed good part of the world; but Germany, for instance, they would blame EEUU because they could think they needed to defend themselves or whatever like that.

To stop this, we could start telling the story in a general view and telling who was the first to act and who they acted against them, etc. We should also show the children every perspective of seeing the world and empathize with every country, ideology and value. When we had done this, it's their responsibility to believe on what they want, or think what they prefer.


The chosen treasure hunt is about children's stories. To complete the treasure hunt, the children have to answer eight questions and ''a big question'' at the end. They can consult several pages to answer all the questions.
The questions they have to answer are the following:
1. What is a ''cuento de autor''?
2. Which are the characteristics of ''cuentos de autor''?
3. Which story was written by Andersen?
4. Which steps do we have to follow to write a ''cuento de autor''?
5. Who was the author of ''Cinderella''? Do a short summary about this story.
6. Which story belongs to each author?
- Perrault                                     - "The wolf and the seven young kids"
- Felix María de Samaniego   - "The cicada and the ant"
- Grimm          - "The phoenix"
- Andersen      - "Tom Thumb"
7. Which of the last stories do you want to live? Why?
8. What moral does the story of ''The Emperor's New Clothes'' transmit?
To conclude this treasure hunt, children have to answer ''the big question'' that is:
What would happen if the ''cuentos de autor'' didn't exist?
The purpose of this activity is to introduce the students to ICT so they get familiar with it. This treasure hunt improves the reading comprehension and helps the children to know how they can use the Internet as a source of information.

And to conclude, I have to say that I want to repeat this experience because I liked so much work with other groups, and because I think that it is very useful to our future like teachers.

1 comentario:

  1. Remember, this is only the text you wanted to use, BUT NOT your presentation... Please include on this post (the star's one) pictures of the resources and things you develop on ach activity).
