martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Our "Little Art Gallery"!

Hi bloggers! Today we are going to take you on a tour around our “little art gallery”, titled “BOOKS: FALSE FRIENDS”. 

First of all we can see a piece of work done by Keep Calm and Keep Organized group, which we have titled “Textbooks war”. This is a fun exposition (with music included) and its creativity is the best way to attract visitors. 

In the second place you can see the piece of the group The Umpalumpas, “The environment of textbooks”, that thanks to its clear and global ideas can help our visitors to understand better the topic of the exposition.

Now, from this part of the exposition on, info-graphics and comics have been alternated in order to make it more interactive and dynamic.

Thirdly, we can find the “School’s reality” from the Meerkats, which with good and clear images and dialogues represents actually the children’s “dreams” about they would like to have at school.

Immediately after that, we can find the piece “Book Big Bang” from the Platypus, an info-graphic with a clear representation of the ideas and a star who knows exactly how to explain them for their public in case they have any doubts.

Now, we can see the “Little Red Riding Hood and the mystery of books” from the Power Puff Teachers, a creative, fun and original piece of our museum with a really good metaphoric representation of our topic that can move our public closer to it.  

After that, the info-graphic created by the group ItsChOOL, “Book storm”, shows a lot of interesting information with clear images that represent it too.

In the seventh place we can find the “Book lie” from 7Up, a colourful, fun, original and above all international comic that represents clearly one of the most distinguished problems from the textbooks and that we usually forget.

Just before finishing our exposition we can find the last info-graphic of Busy Bees: “The lining tower of Textbooks”, whose star has a really good control of the exposition and that have a good and original representation of our topic, a good way to finish the exposition with a summary of all.

To finish our tour around the exposition, we can find “The textbooks nightmares”, from the Power Teachers that represent the consequences that the topic of our exposition could have in society, speaking a bit of different problems that we have already  seen.

Song reference:
D, A., & Roy, S. (2014). Falcon 69. On Nightwavs [Online sound recording]. Retrieved from

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