martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Powerteachers’ live broadcast! From the University of Murcia throughout the World! Here is... the journalist!


 Hi bloggers I’m Marina, and this week I have been the journalist. I am sorry about we only met one time during the week, and I don’t tell you too much. But I hope that this task, dear bloggers, is your pleasure.

Fist of all, the Monday 2nd, after Linda explanied us what we had to do this week, we used that hour to divide the work and the facilitator (Alba García Subiela) told us what we had to look for, to have clear ideas on Tuesday

Secondly, on Tuesday we met without what to do. We were thinking to do it an info-graphic, however, we thought that it will be interesting and funny doing a comic, and that was how we decided to do a comic. We don’t know really what about the comic were going to be, but as we developed the activity we did the story about the comic was. Each person of the group did a vignette except Maria who did two vignettes.



Finally, yesterday, our star, Anthea Clemente Sharp, had to explain and answer questions about our comic. Linda told us that we had to do like a gallery in the class with all class’ works.



I chosen this blog, since, first of all I would like to be an English teacher in a future, and I think that nowadays every teacher should have a blog, in which their pupils could ask questions to him/her, and in which they would be able to look for some resources, which ones, the teacher explain in his/her English lessons. And secondly, because I like so much the structure of the blog, since how you can see, it has different sections, like grammar, vocabulary…


As a final point, I recommend the Platypus’ blog of our class. I would like to add that every blogs are very good and very complete but this has something that has kept my attention. I found very funny the Cartoon that they have in the blog and I liked so much their info-graphic which were explained by Megan.

I see you soon!!!!!!!

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