martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Let's tell the story of the week!

Hi bloggers! I'm Anthea, the journalist this week. As you already know, my work consists on telling the day by day of the group and, at the end, recommend two blogs: one of my classmates and another one from outside, but related to education. 

The activity this week was about doing two mind maps connected to the Spanish Educational System, each one about one topic, ours were 1 (An Overview of the Educational System) and 4 (Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education: Rural Schools, Itinerancy and non-regular schooling, Bilingual Teaching and Distance Education).

Firstly, on Monday, after Linda explained the work for the week, the facilitator divided it so that we could start doing the project. Afterwards we decided to meet on Tuesday, because it wuold be better preparing the information and having clear ideas before we start working. In this way, we could save time the following day by having everything read.

Secondly, on Tuesday, we were at the library completing the mind maps for being able to show them to Linda on Thursday, in such a way, we would have the chance for correcting the mistakes we could have committed while we were doing them.

We thought that it would take less time, but the reality is that we can say that we closed the library... as you can see.

We wanted to do what we had though at the beginning, so we had to spend all the needed time there. But it doesn't mind, we make the effort and we did almost everything.

Finally, on Monday, we had to work with the star of the group Busy Bees (Ana) and a half of the group Keep Calm and Keep Organized (Elena, Noelia and Ángela). This day, we had to look what was right and wrong of the topic four's mind maps and mark them by using an online questionnaire provided by the teacher. In addition, we had to complete the Busy Bees' mind map.

Now, the second part of my role. I have to choose two blogs.

The first one is... the Busy Bees' blog!!! This group has a very fun, organised and clear blog. It's understandable and  easy to read and find last posts.

Congratulations guys, you have a really good blog. I enjoy reading your posts and... what's more! Not only the post, but also seeing your expositions, which are great! Go on working like this! Good work.

And to conclude mi post I want to recommend an educational blog which talks about the education in Latin America and the Caribbean.

There is not a quality education there, so in this blog they fight for it, they want children to receive a good education. For this reason I can't stop admiring them. Maybe they won't achieve anything, but they try. An that's what has made me suggest to you the blog.

Blog's link:

Hello everybody, the translator is here!!

Law: It's a system of rules which are enforced through social institutions to the correct govern behaviour. The two laws we have worked this week are LOE, which is the old one and LOMCE which is the one we have now and which changed in order to improve the previous one.

LOE: Is the state organic law which regulates the Educational system in Spain. This law cesed to be valid when the government approved the LOMCE.

LOMCE: LOMCE is the " ley organica para la mejora de la calidad educativa ", is also known like Wert's law, which modifies the LOE in some aspects in order to have a better education.

Educational system: An educational systems contains everythings related to education, like school resources, educational laws, but this educational systems only have state schools.

Organization: Is the way through which one, people divide and organise the things. In many cases like in the case of education, the organization was governed by educational laws.


Law. (n.d.). In Retrieved from

Organization. (n.d.). In Retrieved from

Education System (2013, August 29). In The Glossary of Education Reform. Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

Ley Orgánica de Educación (España) (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

Analyzing not only the LOMCE, but also how we work!

Hello bloggers! I'm Alba García and this week I'm the group's analyst. As you know from previous weeks, the analyst is in charge of analysing how we have worked as a group and also as individuals, and also what we have learned.

The task we have had to do this week has been about the Basics of the Spanish Educational System. We have analysed the LOMCE, which is the new Spanish educational law. As it has been recently introduced, we only knew some aspects of this law, which actually were very few. As future teachers, this activity has helped us to know how the situation will be (if the law stays the same) when we arrive to the classrooms, what we will have to face and deal with. It is true that educational laws don't stay the same for long, but even if they change some aspects of it are likely to stay the same (as it has already happened between the LOE and the LOMCE, for instance), so it is never a bad idea to know about them beforehand.

It is vital to know about the law, about what will be demanded and expected from us, and what we will have to do with our students for them to achieve their best in the current educational system. This also happens in any other job. This way, any employee will have to know the business' rules and what will be expected from him or her so that person can perform his or her best in the role they are performing at work. We can't just act freely. In order to succeed, we have to stick to the rules  and try to don't go beyond them or otherwise we will have to face the consequences of not doing what we were supposed to do.

Thanks to this activity we have also realized that we don't have to read the hundreds of pages a law contains, but we can instead look for official websites which offer an understandable and complete summary of the law we want to know about. Besides, this can also be done with thousands of other topics. This way we won't have to spend too much time reading a document which we hardly understand because of the complex vocabulary. 

The best part of this activity was, without a doubt, getting to know how things at schools are nowadays, as they are very different from when we were at school (which wasn't long ago). Otherwise, we wouldn't have had the initiative to read a document about the new educational law and know a bit about it. On the other hand, the worse part of the activity was having to read so many documents, especially for topic 1! But, luckily, as we are six members in the group we divided the documents between us so it wasn't as tiring.

As a group we almost always tend to agree on what we are going to do and how we are going to do it. However, sometimes we discuss a bit because one of us thinks that doing a different thing is better, but I suppose that happens in every group and it will also happen when we become teachers at a school. This week's activity hasn't been a problem with that aspect, as we all knew how the programme we were going to use (Cmap Tools) worked and we all had a common idea of how we could do the conceptual map for each topic. 

Furthermore, dividing the big group in two smaller groups of three members each was a great idea as we could work on both topics at the same time and profit better the time. But not all that glitters is gold. As one of the topics was longer that the other, one of the groups had to read and analyse more information than the other group, but overall we all worked hard on the topics we had to do.

 Because of that, although we tend to work well together, something we could improve on is looking well at the documents and what the task is about before dividing the work among us, as at first sight it may seem longer or shorter than what it really is. This way, we will make sure that the work will be divided equally between us.

To finish with I would like to stress the idea that for doing our best we have to know what is expected from us and how we are expected to do it not only in the professional aspects, but also academically. And remember, you can always improve what you do. The sky is the limit!

Here is the CURATOR - FARMER!

Hi bloggers! I am Silvia García and this week my role has been the curator-farmer.

The activity of this week has been based on the creation of a Mind Map about two topics related with the LOMCE. In our case, the topics which we have worked have been the topic 1(An Overview of the Educational System) and the topic 4 (Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education). As this activity has been focused on looking for information, we have not got images or music that we must reference, but here you can find all the websites and books that we have used.

Jefatura del Estado, . (2013). Boletín Oficial del Estado. Retrieved from

TOPIC  1: An Overview of the Educational System


Eurydice – Facts and Figures, . (n.d.). Organisation of school time in Europe Primary and secondary general education 2014/15 school year. N.p.: Education and Training. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Eurydice – Facts and Figures, . (n.d.). Recommended Annual Taught Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2012/13. N.p.: Education and Training. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Eurydice – Facts and Figures, . (n.d.). The Organisation of the Academic Year in Europe 2014/15. N.p.: Education and Training. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from


Educational Support and Guidance (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Funding in Education (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Management and Other Education Staff (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Mobility and Internationalisation (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Organisation and Governance (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Overview (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Primary Education (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Quality Assurance (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

Teachers and Education Staff (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from

TOPIC 4: Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education


Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education (n.d.). In Eurypedia: European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from



Law. (n.d.). In Retrieved from

Organization. (n.d.). In Retrieved from


Education System (2013, August 29). In The Glossary of Education Reform. Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

Ley Orgánica de Educación (España) (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved March 24, 2015, from

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

''Are you ready Powerteachers?'' -Yes, boss!! ''I can't hear you!'' -We are boss! ♪ ♫

Hi bloggers! I'm María García and this week I have been the facilitator! As you have already known, the facilitator has to divide the work of the activity and make sure that all the components work and do their roles.

The roles of this week have been...


This week the activity has been doing two mindmaps about several topics about the LOMCE. My group had to do the mindmaps of the first (''An overview of the Educational System'') and the fourth topic (''Organisational variations and alternative structures in Primary Education''). So, as we are six in the group I decided on Monday to do groups of three and each group had to do one topic and collect the main information to do a good mindmap for the following day (Tuesday).
The first topic has been done by Anthea Clemente, Alba García and me and the fourth topic by Rebeca Cascales, Marina Crevillén and Silvia García.
However, I made a mistake: In the web page of the topic one there are six different points. So, I divided these points between Anthea, Alba and me, and I assigned two points for each one. The problem was that the following day, Anthea said me that in one of her points there were many documents for see and that was a lot for only her, so she didn't do all of these documents. Moreover, one of the points of Alba was references of other pages and from that we didn't take any information. So, when we met this day (Tuesday) the group of the topic four had almost the whole information but my group (topic one) didn't. We had to collect the information of some documents more. So, Anthea, Alba and me did the rest of information that we needed to complete our mindmap.
Moreover, in the beginning, we thought that we had to compare the LOE with the LOMCE, so, for example, when I did my points of the topic one I was confused because I was seeing that the information that it was on the page was the same that I was seeing in the document of the LOMCE. But, then I realized that the page where I was taking the information was modified and had the information of the LOMCE that it was what we needed. So, Tuesday morning I asked our teacher for guarantee that the purpose of the activity was put the information of the LOMCE in the mindmap and not doing a comparaison.
Our teacher said that it was only necessary the information of the LOMCE. This afternoon, while Rebeca, Marina and Silvia were doing the mindmap about the topic four, the others took the missing information. We collected all and we did a part of the mindmap. When the group of topic four finished, they passed the evaluations of the activity of the videos of ''What have we learned?'' activity to a post for upload to our blog.
As Anthea, Alba and me didn't finish the mindmap in Cmap Tools (we had the whole information in several outlines), Alba and me finished it the Friday afternoon because we lived in the same town, so we can did it more comfortably.
I know that if I would have realized that one of the points of Anthea was longer than the others and I'd have divided better the points, we would finished the mindmap of the topic one Tuesday afternoon. But I had a mistake. However, we did the activity well and I think that we worked almost in a same way. This experience will help me to organize better the future works.
So, I want to thank my partners for being excellent hard-working persons and for understanding my little mistake.
I hope our mindmaps give you a good and clear information about the LOMCE and that you visit our blog one more week!

Complete Conceptual Map of topic 4!

The complete Conceptual Map of the topic 4. Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education checked by Power Teachers, Busy Bees and Keep Calm and Keep Organised  is the following one.

We hope you like it!

★★★★Something is shining? Yees! The star, here, NOW! ★★★★

Hello everybody!                
My name is Rebeca Cascales Ribera and this week I'm the STAR of Power  Teachers! The star of the groups has the job of represent the weekly job and each week has to upload something different on the blog post depending on the tasks.

This week, we've been working into the law, the LOMCE. The stars didn't know what was our task this week because Linda said that she would tell us the same Monday, so this weekend, when I printed the two maps I read and I reread them many times for being prepared for whatever. 
The two Conceptual Maps are the following ones. 


Today, 23 of march of 2015, when the class started Linda has said that we're going to be separated of our group depending on the topic that we had and we would  work with the other group who has the same topic. My topic's group were 1. An Overview of the Educational System and 4. Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education.  The other groups with those topics are Busy Bees and Keep Calm and Keep Organised; in my case, the Native Group was the Busy Bees and the Aliens are four members of Keep Calm and Keep Organised as Marina García Beltrán, Clara Pérez Ríos, Paula Peral Vegara and Holly Rose Terry. We have worked with the topic 1, an overview of the Education System. 

In this task, my role has been being the evaluator of the evaluation. Each group of the same topic had to evaluate the other's conceptual map regarding a criteria that the whole group has acquired. Our criteria has been the following one:

Then, apart from this criteria, the conceptual map has been evaluated into a survey that Linda has done and prepare for it.

To be honest, the evaluation has been done in a correct way. The two groups have evaluated themselves individually and then, they have spoken about what were their scores and the reason of it. For example, Busy Bees have told the other group that it was complete but the title's colour and the letter' size make a bit difficult the lecture. On the other side, the Keep    Calm and Keep Organized have told them that some words were bad written in English and the lack of connectors.

 They have done the same with my group's Conceptual Map, they have explained me the reason of my score. So, in my opinion I think they have done it well and in a fair way.

The three Conceptual Maps that we have been working are the following:

Keep Calm and Keep Organized

Busy Bees

Power Teachers

Then, we had to take the best  and the most complete Conceptual Map. We have take my group's one and we have added some things that the other groups have. The final Conceptual of this topic is in the Busy Bees Blog.

My experience as STAR has been very special because I have not lived as the other  week's star. I have  had the opportunity of working with other people of the class and this is very worthy because I have realized that there are other dynamics, other ways of organize the work, etc. I really like being the star, maybe if I had to do a presentation of something I wouldn't have like it, I don't know. 
I hope you enjoy with us and with our tasks!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

The facilitator is here, let's organise!!!

Hi bloggers! I'm Anthea, and this week I have been the facilitator of the group. As you already know from last weeks, the facilitator has to organise and divide the work, so that every member of the group knows what she must do.

The roles this week have been the following:

Rebeca Cascales Ribera – CURATOR/FARMER
anthea clemente sharp - FACILITATOR
marina crevillén fernández - ANALYST
silvia garcía martínez - TRANSLATOR
alba garcía subiela - JOURNALIST
maría garcía zamora - STAR

Thes week, the activity has been a kind of summary of the four previous activities in a video of one minute and a half by using one of the programmes proposed by Linda: Powtoons or Moovly. It has been up to us.

We put in common the main ideas of each task for having the video as complete as possible. Then, we thought about the organisation of the video, how we were going to structure it, which aspects we were going to mention... and, even, I divide the group into two groups, so that we could work better. We though the best idea was to include every task in the related part of the first task, in a way that it wasn't just telling what each task was about.

Finally, on Thursday, we showed the video to Linda to know what we could improve, add or remove.

To conclude, I would like to congratulate the members' group for working so hard. So girls, keep up the good work!

Extra, Extra! The journalist has just arrived to town! Don't miss a second of it!

Hi bloggers! I'm Alba García and this week I've been the journalist! My job this week is to document how our week doing the task has been and also recommend a blog from the class and an educational blog, so here you have it!

This week we had to make an animated video in which we would summarize what we have learned so far in the course School Organization and Educational Resources. At first we were a bit worried as we had never done a video of those characteristics, but we decided to take it as a new challenge and became very excited about it. There is always a first time for everything, so we had to achieve our best and demonstrate to ourselves that we could do anything, even if we had never done it before.

On Monday in class our teacher, Linda, told us two Web 2.0 tools in which we could do the videos. She said that one of them was a bit more challenging than the other, so we decided to face the complete challenge and make it a case of all or nothing. Once we were facing something completely new, why not try to push ourselves as far as possible and try to make our best? In life you shouldn't be content with doing what requires the less effort. On the contrary, you must always try new things which will help you show everyone, but mainly yourself, that you are capable of doing new things and doing them great!

At the beginning of the week, once we knew what the new task would be like, Anthea Clemente (the facilitator) told us to make each one of us an outline with what we considered we had learned not only with the tasks, but with the subject in general. We then met on Tuesday and did a brainstorm on the blackboard with all our ideas and suggestions for the video and, once everything was clear, we went ahead with the video.

At first it took as a while to know how Moovly, the web 2.0 tool we used, worked and to see all the options it offered us, but we soon understood it. We decided together how we would structure the video and the colours we would use for the different backgrounds. As we decided to divide the video in three sections which we would then link with the TPACK model, we decided to use the same colour in the section's background as in its corresponding circle of the TPACK model, as you can see in the video you can find in the Star's post. We thought that in that way it would be more visual and the contents in each of the sections would be linked more easily with the TPACK model.

We distributed the work in a way that we all were working. While some of us were doing the video, others looked for the photos we wanted to include and others searched for the song. Probably, the worse aspect of looking for the song and photos was that they had to have Creative Commons License, which was particularly difficult for the song as we couldn't find one we liked for the video. Because of that, it took us a long time to find one. We first looked for the song in Jamendo, a website were you can find music free of CopyRight, but as we couldn't find one that really convinced us we thought of SoundCloud, a website where people from all around the world upload their own songs and remixes of known songs. However, we didn't know if SoundCloud's music had Creative Commons License, so we got in the official website of Creative Commons and found a list of some places where we could find music with CCL and....... SoundCloud was in that list!!!! Having our problem solved, we decided to use a remix of Sublime's amazing "What I Got".

As the video wasn't finished yet, we finished it along the week and met on Sunday to finish details such as including voices in the video, the song, doing the "to conclude"  part of the video and including the credits. We tried to do the intro of the video singing what we had written in "Hey Brother"'s rythm, and after recording ourselves thousands of times until it didn't sound too loud or too bad, we finally got some decent recordings of what we wanted to include. BUT when we attatched the audios to the video we sadly realized that it was too slow for the pace of the video and we had to forget about that as it didn't match the images. Nevertheless, we were VERY happy to use the remix of "What I Got" as it is quite a cheerful song that engages you from the first second it is played. Besides, it looked perfect with out little boy from the video!

Then the day of the contest came, and after watching all the groups' videos (which I had to say were incredibly good in general under our point of view) each group had to vote the others as in Eurovision. Watching the facilitators of each group, who were the spokespeople, telling the group's votes as if they really were in Eurovision was quite fun and also something we had never thought of doing!

Moving on to the second part of my role, I would like to recommend you Seven UP!'s blog. I really like the distribution and contents of the blog. Stitch's GIF is a fun way to welcome visitors which instantly puts you in a good mood. Apart from being a good looking blog, it is perfectly structured in a way that it is very easy to find the post which you are looking for, either searching for it by task, role or topic. As for their posts, they document very well what they do and present it in an attractive way that engages the reader. Keep up the good work guys!

To finish with, I would like to recommend you Educalandia, an educational website where parents and teachers can find various resources and children can find educational games and interactive pages to practice what they have learned at school. Furthermore, it is very well structured as at the top it shows a menu where you can go to the Home, a page destinated for students, a Blog, a page on Resources and another one containing educational games. Besides, you can also search for what you want by topic or even by educational level, something which can solve many problems at the same time as it quickens research at the website. I hope you find my recommendation useful!

It's time to analyse the week!!!!

Hello my bloggers, first of all I have to tell you that this week have been a beautiful week since with this task my group and me have had a lot of fun.
First of all I would like to say that the funniest part of the activity was making a video. Since while we were doing it we were remember how the course started and how long time have passed until now. While we were remembering the different tasks that we did we remembered too the bad moments which my group and me have lived, since we had many problems at time to meet.
Apart from the feelings, we have learnt many things, like what is TPACK, how can we use images, videos, music, with a creative common license; how to use many different tools to do a comic, and others things, how to do a presentation in other programme which isn’t power point or prezi, and many things like that. If you can see more about it you can look for in the previous task and in the post of the analyst you can see each task developed deeper, since this task it has been a summarize of all thing that we have done until now.
Well, it’s time to talk about my colleges and me as a group. Firstly I have to say that we always respect to the other opinions, thinking, timetables, problems, and somethings like that. We don’t despise anything from the others, so I thing that is a good characteristic of us. On the other hand, I think that when we meet sometimes we lost time, it could be something normal, since after eight hours of class we don’t want to work six hours more, but how I said before we had serious problems at time to met, so when we met we have to benefit the more we can. So I maybe improving this aspect to the follows weeks, and maybe we work less hours and maybe we have more time to do other things.
This contents are related to other contents for example, that textbooks can’t say always the thruth, so we shouldn’t entrust always in the tools that we use to study, and something like that because they could be wrong. Secondly that we only can use photograph with creative common license in our works and studies. Thirdly, how we have to do an exposition, since we often do exposition in all the degree, and in a future like future teachers we are going to be in a long exposition in our class. And finally, TPACK is related to all our subjects since each one have at least one of the components of TPACK, such as technology, pedagogy, or content.
I think that related to this task there isn’t any connection of this content, apart from that politics and our class have been the same things, like a campaign period to win the public in which each group explain the reasons why the have to win the competition, and after that we have to vote each group and finally a the winner will win a food for each member of the group.