martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Keep tunned if you want to know how our week has been!

Hi bloggers! I'm Alba García and I've been the journalist for this activity. 

We have been very lucky this week, as we had to use the tool Fakebook, which some of us had already used previously for another subject. 1 UP!

We met on Wednesday and divided the work among us. I looked for other resources where the different Leadership teams where explained, while my other collegues analyzed the document provided by our teacher. Finally, as we liked how things where explained in both documents, we decided to combine them to create a more complete profile for each Leadership style.

As we had run out time and hadn't finished the profiles completely, we decided that each one of us would be in charge of finishing at home one of the profiles. Then, on Thursday in class we put together what we had found about each Leadership style and what we thought of each one.

On Monday in class, we were in charge of designing some questions to ask the other groups about each of the Leadership styles, and Rebeca was in charge of controlling the time so any group excedeed the time set to answer the questions.

Meanwhile, the other groups' stars had to get together two by two and defend one of the leadership styles. To do so, they and their groups had to look for information about the leadership styles in each of the Fakebook profiles in order to collect as much information as possible. Then, all the stars had to go to the front of the class and defend their leadership style.

Once more, in this activity we have had to cooperate with groups we haven't usually worked with. We will find ourselves in this situation many other times when we begin to work at a new school, or when new teachers arrive to the school we are working at. We have to learn to adapt ourselves to working with people we aren't used to work with.

To finish with, I would like to recommend you two blogs.

The first blog I would like to recommend is Platypus' blog. Apart from the design of the blog (which I absolutely love and find very funny), I really like how it is structured and the fact that one of the first things you see in the blog is the group's photo at the left side of the page. Besides, the section "Best Post!" at the right side of the page has made a very good impression on me, as it's been the first time I've come through something like this in one of our blogs. The content of their posts also deserves a special mention. Good work guys!

The second blog I would like to recommend is El Rincón del Maestro. There, you can find a collection of activities and resources for many different subjects both in English and in Spanish. This is a very useful blog where you can find many interesting activities for our future students and you can also send them the activities you have done to share them with the educative community.

Here is the analyst!!!! :D

Hello everybody, I’m going to analyse a bit!!

How you can see from previous weeks I’m in charge of  analysing how we have worked as a group and as a individuals and also what we have learnt during this week doing the activity.

I think that when we doing an activity always have some positive things, and other less positive things. In this case I think that the positive o the best part of the activity of this week has been to have to do a webpage in a new website that we didn’t know called “Fakebook”. In this webpage some of us, Silvia, Rebeca, María and me who had a type of leader, had to create a profile, in where we had to write why people had to choose our leader, and why not they didn’t have to chose the others. I think that, how in the real life each one thinks in her/his own benefit, and something like that have occurred in this activity, since when we had to write why not people didn’t have to choose our partners I think that there was a bit of bad idea, but it’s normally because if not the activity wasn’t totally real. How we would say in Spanish, “sacamos trapos sucios”.

I have to say that when we have done the activity we were melancholic, because this activity was the last one of the course, and on the one hand we were happy because we have worked so hard and now we want to study for our exams, but on the other hand we were sad because, really, we had a lot of fun doing all the activities and we have learnt from the others and also we have learnt to be more respect with the opinions from the other and somethings like that. The thruth is that there was a special thing that we thought that it was the best moment of our last activity and it was to see some of our professors of the university which ones encouraged us. I could say some bad moments but this week, allthings have been good, I thought that it means that we have learnt many things during the course, which ones we have applied to do a good group. I would like to say that I’m so proud of my partner’s work, and of my group in general since they are good people, and better students.

The content of this activity is related to the real life in many aspects. For example, in a future we will work at a school, and the director of the school will be like our leader, and we have to be prepared to work with different types of people and doing our work the better that we can. I think that this activity has allowed us to know how type of leader we would like to be in a future.

Finally I would to say that how I said before, I am a bit bad because I am going to miss a lot our meeting to do the different activites, and the moment that we have passed together which ones are in my mind forever and how I also have said before I am so proud of my group, and I hope that finally all our work have a good reward.

Boys and girls, I see you soon!!! I hope that you don’t miss us a lot!!!

Good luck!!

The boss is here!

Hi everyone! I'm Anthea, and this week I have been the facilitator of my group. As you know, my role consists on seeing what the activity is about, telling the other members of the group how to work, what thay have to do, and seeing if they do their task and upload their posts.

Well, this week we have had to work on leadership, for which we have created four profiles on Fakebook. As its name shows, they are fake, not real. Also, more information about the kinds of leaders has been searched in order to understand them better and know more about them.

Then, we had problems with the time, as we couldn't finish the activity the day we met, so we decided to complete it at home and put everything in common another day.

Finally, the last day in class, the stars had to be in pairs and look for the information about the leadership styles in the other profiles, so they would be able to make and answer questions. This day each group had to work with the others, who were people we hadn't worked with before, so we (and also the other ones) have had to adapt as fast as we could to work properly with them.

Have you got some doubt? Don't worry! I am here for solving them!

Hi bloggers, I am Silvia! This is our last week and we have to say goodbye since the role of the TRANSLATOR.

This week we have worked with the different types of LEADERSHIP, more specifically with the AUTHORITARIAN, the PARTICIPATIVE, the TRANSACTIONAL and the TRANSFORMATIONAL. Are you a bit confused? Don’t worry! We felt the same when we started the activity, so here you can find the principal definitions that are going to help you for understanding the different roles of this activity.

The leadership is based in the guide that someone gives to some people for doing something. There are different perceptions of leaders, since a political to a religious. The leader stablishes the steps to follow and he or she must be secure that these steps are achieved. In addition a leader must have a good vision for developing good ideas and to know how he or she can motivate to the rest of people that are following him or her.
What is Leadership?. (n.d.). In Mind Tools. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

One of the four types of leaders who is characterized for having a big control over all the aspects of the work, including the workers, who usually have not got the opportunity for giving their opinions or ideas because, as we have said the boss is who control everything and the rest of the people have a limit liberty.
Authoritarian. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Authoritarian. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from website: 

It is other of the types of leadership that, as its own name indicates, is based in the participation of all the members of the work. I mean, the participative leader allows that the people give their own ideas, above all in decisions that affect themselves. In addition, this type of leadership also allows a higher work in group.
Participative. (n.d.). In Macmillan Dictionary. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Participative. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

This third type is based in the motivation of their workers using rewards and punishments. This leader is very organized and uses more the rewards than the punishments, although these last can be present too. He or she gives all the responsibility to the worker when gives an order, and the worker is the responsible in all the moment about this tasks.
Transactional Leadership. (n.d.). In Changing Minds. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

The last type is characterized by the passion and the energy. He or she worries about the workers and thinks that with the appropriate motivation they can do great things. This type of leader is confident and charismatic, a thing that if they do not know control can give them problems in the suture for developing the activities or tasks that they want.
Transformational Leadership. (n.d.). In Changing Minds. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2015

It's the time of the curator!!

Hi followers!! I am María García and this week I have been the CURATOR!! As you have already know, my role consist on collect all the references, transform them in APA style and put them in a mindmap.
If you don't know, these are going to be our last posts because with the activity of leadership we have finished the activities of this subject!
In this activity we divided the 4 kind of leaderships and I have been the participative one. However, on Monday, we didn't develop our leaderships but we have had in charge of do the questions that the stars of the groups must answer according to their kind of leader. Our star Rebeca have been the moderator of the discussion of the stars and the rest of the Powerteachers have been the public of the ''competition''.
It was good doing the questions of our classmates because we have been attentive as we can't agree with only one type of leader: we had to be impartial.
Without further ado, here you can see our references of this activity and the mindmap that I have done with all of them:

Hoyle, John R. "Leadership Styles." Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Ed. . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE,
2006. 595-98. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 30 Jan. 2012.
Méndez Molla, A. (n.d.). Liderazgo democrático . In Euroresidentes. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Méndez Molla, A. (n.d.). Liderazgo autoritario. In Euroresidentes. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Méndez Molla, A. (n.d.). Liderazgo transaccional . In Euroresidentes. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Méndez Molla, A. (n.d.). Liderazgo transformacional. In Euroresidentes. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Willis Manser, D. (2005, March 11). Team. In Flickr. Retrieved from
Cascales Ribera, R. (n.d.). Authoritarian leader . In Fakebook. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Crevillén Fernández, M. (n.d.). Transformational leader . In Fakebook. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
García Martínez, S. (n.d.). Transactional leader . In Fakebook. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
García Zamora, M. (n.d.). Participative leader . In Fakebook. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from

Participative Leadership. (2014, July 2). In Youtube. Retrieved from
Transformational Leadership. (n.d.). In Changing Minds. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Transactional Leadership. (n.d.). In Changing Minds. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Participative. (n.d.). In Macmillan Dictionary. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Participative. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Authoritarian. (n.d.). In Oxford Dictionaries. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
Authoritarian. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from website:
What is Leadership?. (n.d.). In Mind Tools. Retrieved May 18, 2015, from
I hope you enjoy visiting our blog and that you like all the work that we have developed in this course. Thank you for visiting us!!

The last STAR is shining here!

Hello, my name is Rebeca Cascales Ribera and this week my role has been the STAR! The star is the role in charge of representing the weekly's job to the other's classmates. 

This week the role has been very interesting and a bit different, we had to prepare a Fakebook profile with each leadership style and show the classmates what we've learnt in a debate format but today, we have to choose a number which will tell us what our role in this activity is going to be, and in my case I have got the 'mediator' one.

The Fakebook profiles that my group had made was the following:
  •     Rebeca Cascales Ribera - Authoritarian Leader:

  •     Marina Crevillén Fernandez - Transformational:

  •     Silvia García Martínez - Transactional:

  • María García Zamora - Participative Leader:

Well, I had to prepare four general questions that include lot of knowledge of this topic with my group and then prepare the debate that our other stars had to defend. When the stars were with their groups preparing the information, ten minutes before starting I have told them the questions that we're going to ask them. 

The questions that we've written and we've asked for are the following:
1. What do you think that are the most crucial people for developing new projects and profound changes?

2. If there is a problem between teachers. Who are the person in charge of solving this? And, how would you do it?

3. What would you do as a Transactional/ Transformational/ Authoritarian/ Participative leader different from the others? What would you provide to the school?
  4. From your point of view, what do you think is the worst thing of your colleagues? 

Then, the debate has started, I had to control it, each group had two minutes to answer the question and as there were two people by group, it was one minute for each member. I asked the questions and they answer with order, respecting the turn when the others were speaking. 

Later, when they have finished the debate, our teacher Linda has reflected a bit of what they had done it well and bad, what they can improve, etc. 

Now, I'm going to speak about my experience as a mediator, I have never acted as a mediator, so it was something new to me. When I was asking the first question and controlling the time while the stars were answering I have realised that doing a debate is something difficult but controlling it too. I had to stop people when the time was off, I must stop them when they we're answering but this is something that I must do and I didn't do it. I think that I can do it better, but for being the first time it's not bad.

As a mediator, in my opinion I have to say that the stars have done it very well, there were lots of nervous, difficulties, bad organisations  but we learn from our own mistakes, so for people who have done it today, I have to say that they can improve and learn from today. So, I have to mark what is the best people who have defend it their ideals, and I think that Clara (KCKO) and Ana Isabel (Platypus), the transformational defenders, deserve this reward. Their way of expressing and caught their classmates attention has been crucial in their speech, so as they have taken my attention and I really "LOVE" their speaking parts, I'm going to say that they have win.

On the other side, as a group (Power Teachers), we've decided that it we have to chose a leader, we would chose a Participative Leader, because Gracia (Bussy Bees) and Noelia (Meerkats) have done it very well and they have explained correctly, showing that they want to improve for our welfare.

 Summarising, being the star this week has been very interesting, dynamic and entertaining. I would like to repeat this activity!

So bloggers, it has been a pleasure writting for you and I hope you have really enjoyed.


martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Hello everybody, here is the journalist!!!!!!

Hello everybody, I'm Marina Crevillén Fernández and during this week I have been the journalist. I am going to explain you what we did last week to do this task.

Well, first of all I have to say that we met two times to do this task that consist on doing a video in which we have to represent a conflict in a school.

The first time that we met we prepared the script and after that we started to recover some scenes. We recovered them in the library and in a place of the campus. Doing the script was difficult because we don't know really what to say to do the story convincing, but finally we created it. While we were recovering the scenes we had a lot of fun because, my partners forgot the script, and they had a lot of fun because she laughed since in some moments they didn't what to say.

The second time that we met, we finished to revoring the scenes that we couldn't the time before, and this doesn't cost us much time. However this time, we have to join the different scenes and put the details of the video. It was funny too, but less than recover the scenes.
I have to say that it was a great experience because it was a funny task, in which we could laugh, learn, and discover new things that we didn't before.

Well I Have chosen this blog becuase I think that it is very interesting since you can find here some tolos to teach and you cand find here many things about primary education.
I also have chosen this blog of my partners, becuase It's chool is a very hard-working group and because I have a lot of fun with their blog.  Congratulations!!

My dear readers, it's all for now, see you next week!!!

Time for the references!

Hi everyone! I'm Anthea, the curator this week once more. As you already know, this role consists on collecting all the references and creating a mind map including all of them.

The reference for the literature is:

Plan de convivencia escolar (2006, May). Retrieved May 4, 2015, from
The references used in the definitions are:

Coexistence Plan (n.d.). In CIPFP Mislata. Retrieved May 7, 2015, from

Conflict. (2010). In Retrieved May 7, 2015, from

Documentary. (n.d.). In Merriam Webster. Retrieved May 7, 2015, from

What is a Leader Team? (n.d.). In Retrieved May 7, 2015, from

Video. (n.d.). In Retrieved May 7, 2015, from