martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

The analysis of the week is here!

Hi bloggers! I am Silvia, the analyst of this week and, as the own name says, I am going to analyse the best and the worst points if the week and the activity that we have realized.

This week we have worked with the Coexistence Plan. More specifically, we have had to do a video resolving a problem in the school that other classmates have created (in our case the group 7UP).

In my opinion the best part of the activity has been that thanks to the Coexistence Plan we have learnt about how different schools can resolve the problems with students, parents or even teachers and, in the same way, now we know that each school has its own Coexistence Plan and we must adhere to it. On the other hand, if I have to talk about the worst part I must say that find and interpret the Coexistence Plan has been a bit difficult because it was not very clear in our specific case and we had to adapt it as we thought that was the best, although in part, even if it was a bit hard because at first we were a bit confused about if we would be doing it well, it has helped us in order to learn about interpret documents and adapt them to the case that you want to. Even if these documents are not clear of the issue that you want to work. So, at the end, even the worst part of the activity has helped us for our future, in which I do not think that all is going to be easy and clear and we must learn to adapt ourselves to the different situation using those things that are in your hand.

Regarding the work in group I think that this has been a wonderful week in this aspect because we have worked all together in order to do the video and I have loved it. With this I mean that while one was recording a scene as an actress other was recorded as the camera and the other were helping doing the script, so we were working all together in the same place, laughing when we had to repeat a scene or we had got stupid (although funny) ideas for the scrip, a situation that sometimes we cannot enjoy because some activities are not so cooperative. For instance, the past weeks were easier and faster to work individually, although after we united the work, a thing that although effective did not permit us to work together as this week. However, there has been some bad parts too, or instance the worse part of the activity has been to coordinate all the materials and even ourselves for doing the documentary, because in some moments something was missing or the camera was without battery and we did not have the charger, so we had to meet another day in order to finish the video. In my opinion, we maybe must be more careful with this type of things because we could save a lot of time in the future, although I think that this has been in part because we had a lot of things in our heads and the good part is that thanks to this we have learnt the lesson for the next.

So, taking into account what I have said previously, without any doubt a thing that we must maintain as a group is our work together, helping one to other and offering ourselves voluntaries when there is something to do. However it is true too that, although in my opinion our work in group is very good, we must concentrate more in the activities in the future because sometimes we take a lot of time for putting to do the activities and it only implies that we lose an important time that we can use for other things, above all at this period of the year.

Finally, I think that thanks to this activity, as I have said before, we have learnt about what measures we can take when we have some problem in the school and, in the same way, if the coexistence plan of our school takes into account all the measures that it must have. So, taking into account these points this activity can be very useful for our future, as in the degree as in our job, because what are the steps that we must follow for resolving problems (and that we must take into account all the perspectives and opinions of the people implicated) a thing that, we like it or not, probably we are going to confront more frequently that we think. In the same way we can already see the great number of problems in schools that there are. For instance, when we watch the news, in which usually appears problems with teachers, students, parents… A fact that demonstrates the importance of knowing what we can or cannot do in order to do our job in the best way possible. 

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